Elizabeth AddiePsychologist and Relationship Counsellor |
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Therapy for AdultsElizabeth provides individual psychological therapy for adults utilising the following approaches: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)CBT has particular applications for depression and anxiety. Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PET)PET is used for recovery from trauma. This can be the trauma of being present at a major incident, being a victim, or the emotional trauma of recovery from an interpersonal very difficult event. Schema TherapySchema Therapy is very beneficial to assist with overcoming long term problems, and negative behaviour patterns. Narrative therapyNarrative Therapy asserts that people are not the problems, that problems are separate from people, but have become embedded in people's lives through the creation of a narrative of negative events. (Life stories) Narrative therapy creates a way of looking at problems which is open minded, positive, encouraging and supportive. CrisisIf you are currently experiencing a mental health crisis, and may be considering self-harm, please immediately seek support from a 24 hour counselling service such as Lifeline 13 11 44 or call 000 for assistance. AcknowledgementElizabeth would like to acknowledge the dedicated commitment to research and practice which has contributed to the development of the evidence base of psychological therapies. People to note: Dr Aaron Beck (CBT), Dr Jeffrey Young (Schema Therapy). Dr Edna Foa ( PET), Michael White (social worker, Narrative Therapy). |
Authorised by E. Addie, 146 McKenzie St. East Toowoomba 4350
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